Do you struggle with anger? Do you find anger creeping up in your heart? I recently realized I was becoming angry in moments far too often than I’d prefer to admit. It bugged me. Why can these little people that I love so much make me THIS angry, THAT fast? One defiant moment and here I was blowing more steam and anger than my kids defiant “no.” Why did defiance make me this angry? Why do I become so frustrated so quickly? I realized that it’s easy to become frustrated by the things I can’t control. There are so many things I WANT to control and TRY to control but realistically I have ZERO control. I’m learning that motherhood is about a balance of what you can control and what you can’t. Here’s the thing, I can’t control if my kids are going to like something or not, I can’t change what they say or what they do or how they think. I can’t and don’t want to change the way Gods made them; BUT, I can change my perspective; I can change how kind I am and my reactions. One perspective that I ‘m learning to have in this control battle is the fact that we are BOTH learning. My kids are learning to use kind words, learning in their actions and in their reactions. Once I look at a tantrum or act of defiance as a child learning their boundaries and appropriate responses, it allows me to give them more GRACE and give them the opportunity to learn from each and every circumstance. It’s also important to show my children the appropriate response and lead by example. Therefore, I can also use the same perspective on myself; I am learning! Give myself GRACE! I am learning as a mother where I can control and where I can’t; to except these “cants” and to pray for these “cants.” I'm learning how to respond to things I can't control. So deep breathe, onwards and upwards. Today I give myself grace and allow myself to learn and embrace my little learners as well. |
Taryn BennettWife. Mama. Doula. Writer. Blogger. Singer. Christian. Archives
October 2023
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